Why you need a Servo Voltage Stabilizer?
It is seen that In spite of best efforts by various Electricity Boards / Supply undertakings the voltage at consumer’s end is never constant. The reason being diverse loading duties arising in transmissions and distribution network. During the day time when the load requirements is more the voltage remains quite low and during night it goes up than the normal. As a result of these never ending voltage fluctuations there is frequent Tripping / Breakdown of the systems / machines and precious equipment’s resulting into low production.

Our range of Servo Voltage Stabilizer can overcome and control these voltage fluctuations & can provide you with the desired constant output voltages. Our every Automatic Voltage Regulator rolled out of the factory undergoes strict and rigid inspection and testing.

Our Automatic Voltage Controller are duly Tested & Approved by Govt. lab Electronic Test & Development Center (ETDC) & are manufactured As per IS 9815 Standards. (as per Indian Government).